Dr. Cindy Lewis, Chiropractor, is available in KIRKFIELD and in LINDSAY. Please visit the appropriate location here to see availability and to schedule your appointment. Alternatively, you can reach out to her at dr.lewis.caballero@gmail.com or by phone at (416) 433-9793.

Note that The Pro.Body.Wellness location at 783 Brant Street in Burlington now CLOSED. It has merged with SWAT Health Burlington at 3070 Mainway. You can book an appointment at SWAT Health Burlington at this link: https://swathealth.janeapp.com/locations/swat-health-burlington/book

Dr. Murray Hassard and Mort Neek have joined Bronte Natural Health Clinic at 3495 Rebecca Street in Oakville as of January 2, 2025. You can contact them at (905) 825-8787.